Saturday, October 6, 2012

Jump For My Love

Just doing a little Pinteresting and listening to this song on repeat.

What up Saturday night?

(and a big thank you to Nat the Fat Rat)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Lately I'm Loving...

white jeans

playing with false eyelashes

these people

snowcones on long summer nights

What's making you smile today?

Friday, August 3, 2012

Do It Yourself

This little blog is wanting for content, so I took it upon myself to do something worth writing about.  That something was a craft.  This little jewelry stand is all over Pinterest, so I thought I'd add my tutorial to the mix.

1.  Head to your local thrift store/junk shop/craft fair/antique mall and pick up some fancy plates.  Mine match but yours don't have to.  Also, find some candle sticks to separate the tiers.

(While you're there, buy a sa-weet denim jacket for only $6!)

2.  Pile your supplies in the car and drive them to your mother's house, because she has a hot glue gun.

3.  Decide that the hot glue gun takes too long to heat up and makes too much of a mess.  Pick the dried glue off of your pieces....

4.  Raid your brothers' superglue stash.  If your brothers are anything like mine, they have plenty. 

5.  Finally get down to business!  Start with your largest plate.  Carefully spread glue along the bottom of one of your candlesticks and center it on the plate.

6.  Let the glue dry (it doesn't take long) before stacking and gluing the rest of your pieces.  If you want, use a teacup on top instead of a saucer.

7.  Congratulations! You are now crafty.  Add your jewelry and admire your handiwork!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Pictures from a week at home

Thanks to my iPhone, I now take pictures of every single thing that happens to me.  Thanks to this blog, you get to see them too.  So I now present . . . my week in photos!

Took this little guy out for a drive and a picnic...

saw this...


 and knocked over a tree for good measure.

a little sibling love

the boys made and demonstrated slingshots

Emma wore Christmas socks in July

and then we saw this guy on the freeway.

So obviously the Duncan House is a happening place.  Or not.  But what can I say, I sure do love these folks!  I hope your week was as awesome as mine!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Well, it's a new month...and do you know what that means? That means 5 pounds of fresh Peachy Patties in my mailbox!  Because cool kids subscribe to their candy.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Thursday, June 14, 2012

That's all folks! After a 27-hour(!) day, we arrived safely home at around 1:00 this morning. Thanks for following along with us on this amazing, crazy, wonderful journey!

I'll try to keep updating this little blog... Probably nothing as exciting as traveling across Europe, just my silly musings and tidbits from my life, but feel free to stop by every once in a while!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Monday, June 11, 2012

We like Scotland because it has a lot of castles and a lot of souvenirs with our name on them. And Loch Ness. We LOVE Loch Ness.

(These pictures were mostly taken through the window of a moving bus, so just pretend that they're nice, ok?)
There is a picture of Utah at the travel agency across the street from our bus stop in Edinburgh. In two days, we'll be there!

Friday, June 8, 2012

London is nice even in the rain. We were feeling too lazy and soggy to walk to all the sites, but that was ok because the buses drove right past everything we wanted to see!

Now we are in Edinburgh, where it is also rainy. And that's also ok, because a sunshiny Scotland would just be silly.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today we Chunnelled to London! Where it is raining. Tomorrow we are buying an umbrella and visiting the Rosetta stone.

Also, we finally got our passports stamped! It only took 3 weeks and 9 countries, so thank you England!